
You can also try using a soap-based product. You can purchase detergents that contain detergents to break down oil and grease. It is also a good idea to test the product on an inconspicuous spot.
Another option is to use baby powder. This will also work to remove grease from clothing. You can also use soap-based products to remove grease.
You can also try using talcum powder to remove grease stains. You can rub it on the stain and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Then, you can put it in the washing machine. It should be rinsed in cold water.
A third option is to use a solution of salt and rubbing alcohol. This solution is made of one part salt and three parts rubbing alcohol. It works best on thicker fabrics.
You can also use a commercial stain remover. You should check the care label for a temperature setting. This is especially important if you are using a product that contains dye. It is also important to test the product before using it on your clothing.